The utility companies charge large consumers of electricity not only for the energy they use, but also for when the consumer uses the power throughout the day. Typically, the utilities take a reading every 15 minutes throughout the day or (96 readings). DataWrangler reads the demand and consumption charges every 15 seconds. Our data can give the facility manager more details to make energy savings decisions. This is new data not previously available to the plant operators.

In addition to consumption cost the demand charge is what our DataWrangler attacks!

Knowing how your electric use is billed and how your demand and energy charges are calculated will help you understand and manage your total energy costs.

The electricity use diagram below shows the difference between energy and demand:

DataWrangler is not a traditional energy audit. Our data-as-a-service software can predict and prescribe methods to reduce the demand and consumption of electrical use. Our data can be used to:

• Provide load shifting and scheduling recommendations.
• Provide an electrical blueprint of how and when the buildings use power.
• Provide R.O.I. data for battery storage solutions, solar optimization, and other.

CLOCworks is selling energy data via our unique and proprietary data-as-a-service. The information from our DataWrangler & Artificial Intelligence is used by facility managers to make informed decisions to lower demand and consumption charges. Typical savings range from 15% to 25% each month.We provide an electrical blueprint of how and when your building is using electricity.


We will run a history of the building’s energy use and provide you with a detailed proposal of savings and other benefits.